I met Antonial Barnes on Instagram to be quite honest. At least as far as I can remember I've been double tapping his professional pictures as well as his music clips and published work. I wondered where this guy got his start in the industry, his journey, and how he might be able to share his experiences with my readers & viewers? Antonial is a passionate artist and very hard working. He like many smart artist as my grandmother would say has put his eggs in multiple baskets. Therefore he's destined for success. Check out Antonial's latest EP Know My Name on Itunes now.
R|A: Thank you Antonial for being apart of the #IndustryTalk family. I started this entertainment blog as an educational tool for all aspiring artists. Please tell our readers how you got your start in the modeling and music industry?
A|B: I have always been into music. My parents were into music. My mother being a singer and father a bass player, I had always had a passion for music. So I was in band in school and decided to go to college for audio engineering/music so I could be a producer. The modeling I was in college and needed extra money so I made a model mayhem profile and started out that way.

R|A: It’s my understanding that you come from a musical family, so it’s safe to say you are able to practice your craft in a very supportive environment?
A|B: Actually they were not fully supportive until they saw how I was getting scholarships and making moves with my music. Until they actually went to a recital and saw me play and heard my art....they began to support me :).
R|A: What do you wish you could change about the industry?
A|B: That it is necessary that one needs a nice fan base to get signed or seen from record companies and it isn't solely based on talent anymore.
A|B: That it is necessary that one needs a nice fan base to get signed or seen from record companies and it isn't solely based on talent anymore.
R|A: How effective do you feel social media is in today’s industry- good and bad?
A|B: Now it is actually better than 10 yrs ago. To be honest the use of social media has highlighted the use of independent and unsigned artist! Social media helps us see a perspective that wouldn't be seen in reality and this has forced the industry to listen to artist!
R|A: You’ve been published in several different publications how does that feel and how does one book a cover shoot?
A|B: To be honest keep getting photoshoots and then keep submitting them to magazines. If they like what they see they will use them :) but the key to getting published is networking and researching what they like!
R|A: What is your diet plan and workout routine?
A|B: Key to Discipline: Keep at it. When you feel too tired to work out, take some pre-workout and head to the gym! I do not believe in sets because it makes me feel bad if I don't complete it so just do an exercise until you cant do it no more...take a break....then do it again.
Workout Routine: I work out a certain body part a day like:
Monday: Leg Day
Squats, Lunges Calf raises (with weights) Jump-Rope Running on the treadmill Leg pressLeg extension
Tuesday: Chest Day & Abs, Chest, Bench, Press Incline, Press Decline, Press Butterflies, Push-ups, Cable Crossovers, Abs Ab-wheel, Standing/Kneeling, cable crunches.
Wednesday: Back Day- Lat Pull-downs, Bent over barbell rows, Bent over long bar rows, Renegade, Rows Pull Ups.
Thursday: Arms & Shoulders, Arms Barbell Curls Hammer, Curls Cable, Curls Tricep/Bench, Dips Lying, Tricep Press, Tricep Pulldown (rope) Shoulders Arnold Dumbbell, Press Decline, Shoulder Rise, Front Dumbbell, Rise Shoulder Shrugs.
Friday: All Around/Full Body do a Little bit of everything!
Saturday: If able I redo my chest day workout (since I want a bigger chest).
R|A: Tell readers something about you they couldn’t guess by just looking at your instagram profile?
A|B: I'm actually a quiet person until you get to know me...then I talk alot and I'm also a big family person!
R|A: Pre-vocal warm up routine? Tea, humidifier? Also what teas do you like?
A|B: Actually a super quick working out, staying away from dairy products, and drinking tea will actually keep any mucus away from the vocal chords which increases your range! So that's actually what I do.
R|A: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Goals and aspirations?
A|B: Producing a #1 hit song.
R|A: What advice did your parents give you when you told them you wanted to pursue a career in music and modeling?
A|B: Get my education first and if it doesn't work out somehow.....you have something as a backup.