
I noticed Mr. Travis Demetri about a year or so ago as he was starring on a show called The Circle NYC with so many talented lgbt artist on the brink of hitting that mainstream ceiling. At only 23 this entertainer has not only proved he can act, but has been hosting & interacting with people on film all over NYC. Travis luckily is out here in LA a few short days during LA Fashion Week to host a few events, but I was able to snag an interview with him. For all you young up and coming artist tune in to how he got his start.


...someone will always have something to say about you in life ...

R|A: Travis how were you first introduced to the entertainment industry?


T|D: Well once I graduated from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy I was still very young, I was 19 about to turn 20. So I couldn't really attend big red carpet events. I was then offered to be an intern for a well known Celebrity publicist here in New York City, where I was able to see how a red carpet event was suppose to be ran hands on. And I had the best job, I was doing celebrity check in. And that's basically greeting all the celebrities attending the event and navigating them to the red carpet.


R|A: What did you take away from your reality web-series The Circle NYC? And are you coming back for another season?



T|D: One main thing I took away from doing a reality project suck as The Circle, is that I can look back at myself. I.e: how I come across to certain people, how I react to things and etc. Because sometimes you don't know what to expect. As for Season 2, I am coming back. It's going to be really good.


R|A: So I must ask what brings you to LA? Have you landed any auditions while out here or are you here for LA’s Fashion Week?


T|D: The main reason why I am here in Los Angeles is because I am now a brand ambassador for Lapalme Magazine and we just had our Spring Issue Launch with Cover Stars Mario Lopez and Audrina Patridge. So amongst working on the event, I participated in LA fashion week.


R|A: What lessons/advice do you wish someone would have given you upon entering the industry?



T|D: Advice that I wish someone would've gave lil ol me is to never get your hopes up. Their will be so much happening around you. Stay grounded and do not get caught up in the glitz and glamour.


R|A: How important is self esteem and self assurance in this business?


T|D: It is very important because first of all someone will always have something to say about you in life and it is picked up a few notches when you're working in the entertainment industry. Also if you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect someone else to believe in you?


R|A: What advice would you give someone if they told you they wanted to be in this business?


T|D: I would say do it for the love and not for the attention.


R|A: The worst thing you've heard since starting out as a professional actor?


T|D: During my last semester of school I had one of my teachers tell me "I would never become an actor". I remember that situation clearly.


R|A: How do you prepare for a role?


T|D: I like to be alone- where I can analyze my role and really do some deep searching. I like to talk long random walks too. It just get me thinking a lot. I can't stay in a room for too long cause then I feel boxed in - emotionally and physically.


R|A: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?



T|D: In 5 years, I see myself already living bi-coastal between LA and NYC. I want to be a name talent. Because there is a difference between name talent and just plain ol' talent.


R|A: Since it's also the political season is it okay if I ask who you're thinking about voting for this coming presidential election?


T|D: Well at this point I'll say Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is very entertaining though.


R|A: Name your 3 favorite things in life?


T|D: I love food, vodka and making people laugh.



R|A: Something you do before an audition?


T|D: I don't think I do anything of our the ordinary when is comes to audition. I just always take deeps breathes and do some vocal exercises.


R|A: Favorite food?


T|D: I love pasta and shrimps.


R|A: Favorite song on rotation in your phone?


T|D: Panda by designer.
