R|A: Who are 5 people that inspire you? Artist or otherwise?
C|L: Childish Gambino, Joe Rogan, Mac Miller, GaryVee and the newest person to make the list is Russ.
I’m a huge fan of podcasts, and I have heard my fair share of episodes where Joe Rogan or GaryVee say something that sparks me to work. Gary will talk about a new strategy to ‘hack’ the market or connect with people. Joe will talk about the grind of forming a new stand up routine and how tough it is to get it started. It teaches me that everything you try to get good at is a grind.... so if you want to get good GET TO GRINDING!
When it comes to Gambino and Mac, I just love their styles. Neither of them were afraid to experiment and try something different than they’re used to. I always find inspiration in that.
When it comes to Russ, I just love the hustle and grind it took for him to get where he is. He’s famous for the ‘drop a song every week’ strategy and it’s a really great one. He seems to love the grind as much as I do and that always makes me want to keep working hard when I see it paying off for others.
R|A: You have this new IG comedy skit-show with your girlfriend, what was the creative concept behind the skits and have you always been a comedian?
C|L: Ironically enough the comedy thing was just a joke at first! We had a little idea for a video and people really seemed to like it so we continued doing it. The concepts are easy enough, anytime we have an idea or a ‘that would be funny’ thought we talk to each other about it and see if we could actually make it fun. It’s a challenge but a great way to stay creative when I’m in a musical slump.
I have always been one to crack jokes, mostly at someone’s expense, but I’ve always been more of a fan of the art than actually in it. I might give stand up a try one day 😎